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Mt Shirataki

執筆者の写真: AvalonAvalon

This mountain is located in Innoshima Island, Onomichi City.

Altitude is 226.9m (= 744ft) and you can drive up to near the summit.

About 10 minutes walk from the car park will take you to the summit.

The view from the summit is simply breathtaking.

Around the summit, you may find a collection of sculptures of the 500 Rakan disciples of the Buddha which were carved around A.D.1830.

This mountain is also famous for cherry blossom in spring and autumn leaves.




リクエストがあったので、歌詞の全文を英訳します。 米津玄師 【Lemon】 夢ならばどれほどよかったでしょう If only this were just a dream 未だにあなたのことを夢に見る Dream about you I still have...


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