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【英文解説】Why do People Lie, Exactly?

執筆者の写真: AvalonAvalon




Why do People Lie, Exactly?


Even the youngest of children will lie, especially if they think by doing it they won’t get punished for something.


When children first learn how lying works, they lack the moral understanding of when to refrain from doing it.



As is often said about political scandals: It’s not the crime that gets you in trouble, nearly as much as the cover-up.


As is often said about (the case with) A:Aにはよくあることだが

Not A nearly as much as B :B>>Aであることを強調したい時に使う比較構文


Lies are typically motivated by a desire to get other people to either do something or not do something, or to make a decision in the favor of the person doing the lying.


  1. Lies are typically motivated by a desire to get other people

  2. to either do something or not do something

  3. or to make a decision in the favor of the person doing the lying.


  1. 嘘は典型的に、他人に対する欲望によって動機づけられる

  2. (他人に)何かをさせるため、またはさせないため

  3. もしくは、嘘をついている人が有利になるような意思決定を(他人に)させるため




They use it for nothing more than a tool to create a favorable image of themselves.


nothing more than A:Aにすぎない、Aでしかない


It causes you to be constantly looking over your shoulder and wondering who might be finding you out.

It causes you to be constantly の後ろの

  1. looking over your shoulder

  2. wondering who might be finding you out


cause : 【他動詞】~という結果を生み出す原因となる


look over one's shoulder :~を肩越しに見る、~を見るために後ろを振り返る


The fact that you don’t have to worry about remembering old lies or getting in trouble later on when the truth comes out (because it always does) puts a lot more relief in your life.

  1. The fact that

  2. you don’t have to worry about

  3. remembering old lies

  4. or getting in trouble later on

  5. when the truth comes out (because it always does)

  6. puts a lot more relief in your life.

主語はThe fact、動詞はputs、reliefが目的語の第三文型です。

The fact thatのthatはいわゆる同格のthatで、

2~5は、そのthe factを説明する従属文という構造になります。


  1. ~という事実

  2. ~について心配する必要がない

  3. 昔の嘘を覚えていること

  4. 後々面倒に巻き込まれること

  5. 真実が露呈した時に(なぜならいつも真実は露呈するから)

  6. 人生により多くの安心感を与えてくれる




People are actually much more perceptive and aware of who tells the truth and who doesn’t.


Over time, honesty shows itself as a trait that is beautiful and deeply respected.



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